Rome also wasn’t built in a day – that’s why we at [tbb\*] thebrainbehind try to help our customers to understand the challenges of tomorrow first. Since this is (most of the time) unchartered territory and since words we all know do make life easier: think of us as a strategy consultancy – that tries to provide relevant background information and strategy or product reviews before you really start to lay your cornerstone.

But [tbb\*] worries not about all possible worlds out there – our crystal ball is only working in the areas listed below: TV, Media, and Entertainment in all forms and shapes; Blockchain & Web3 with a focus on industrial applications – and the impact that advanced technology can have in an interconnected world. And that summarizes our mission quite well: Not only making your success more likely but also having a sustainable impact on the world of tomorrow.  

PayTV & Streaming Media

Helping media businesses with their video services, apps, and related innovation scouting; product development & marketing have been at the core of our work since 2002.  

Market entry strategies, pricing, and packaging as well as vendor & partner selection for PayTV platforms and video service providers and content owners or leading tech firms. We do also help with general business development advice and content distribution strategies and execution.

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Blockchain & Web3

Since 2017, the blockchain & web3 space has been a core focus for us. We have helped start-ups to become scale-ups and have been helping with positioning them in the industry.

Defining use cases & business models, establishing long-lasting partnerships, and support during funding rounds are also quite essential for many actors in this growing sector. And yes, don’t be mistaken, it is growing – despite the currently difficult economical climate and all the scandals the crypto sector is producing. But greed comes in all forms and shapes, but we are believers in the capabilities of the underlying tech. That’s why we are also actively engaged in agenda-setting & policy efforts to drive this industry forward.

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Impact Tech & Sustainability

Over the past decade, we have helped to set up a greentech fund, supported start-ups in this space to get to MVP / product launch, and assisted in the re-definition of industrial processes. All are based on our insights into and belief that we need a different, innovative backend to build tomorrow’s infrastructure.

By assessing the needs for truly circular economies and sustainable business design, we are thriving to be part of the movement towards an ESG-compliant perspective for our societies, and we aim to accelerate this transition together with partners and clients at all levels.

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